Hydroair suction cover


Aquarius Spa Parts

Regular price $26.33

Tax included.
Type of Product: Suction Cover
Manufacturer: Hydroair
Specifications: 80 GPM White
Most Common Size Reference: 100mm
Dimensions: Outer Diameter of face: 100 mm Outer Height stood on face: 30 mm Overall Length: 100mm  Internal Diameter: 92mm
Fits Hole Size: 92mm
Commonly Used With: 1.5 Inch long wall fitting
Additional Notes: Optimum flow rate: 80 gallons per minute. When using a specific suction you should take in to account the required flow intake for the pump you will be plumbing to and also the heater. On ALL systems it is required by BISHTA standards to install 2 suctions per pump to avoid entrapment and or disembowelment.