AeWare IN.YE-5 Control Box 2kw


Aquarius Spa Parts

Regular price $1,600.00

Tax included.
Type of Product: Electronic control pack
Manufacturer: AeWare
Power: Volts: 230vac Hz: 50
Specifications: 5 outputs (dual speed pumps use 2 outputs) --> Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3 Pump 4 Pump 5 Blower CP OzoneExample: P1-2spd (2 outputs) P2-1spd Blower and OzoneLight : 12W @ 12V 2kW heater included
Compatible With: Topsides IN.K120 auxiliary panel IN.K200 IN.K300 IN.K19 IN.K35 IN.K45 IN.K450 IN.K600 Static (not compatible with the Graphic one) IN.K500 IN.K800IN.TOUCH Wi-Fi
Connections: AMP or Quick Connect
Dimensions: Length: 497 mm Width: 126 mm Height: 273 mm
Additional Notes:

Supports in.Touch. We advise using this control box only for like for like replacement only.

This is a generic unlicensed control box. This unit must be fitted by a competent individual or tradesman. Incorrect installation could invalidate the warranty.